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Guided Tours


Free, guided tours are conducted by the FWVGA on Sundays during the garden season.  All tours are conducted from 1pm through 3:30pm as guides are available.  There is no need to pre-register for these tours. 


The schedule for 2024 is:

  • Memorial Day weekend, May 25 and 26

  • June 16

  • July 21

  • August 18

  • September 22

  • October 20


Pre-arranged guided tours of the formal gardens can be scheduled for groups of ten or more. There is a nominal per person charge for these tours. Please fill out the following form, which will be forwarded to our Interpreter Tour Coordinator. 


Note:  For group tours, Interpreters will wait for 15 minutes past the arranged time for the group to arrive, unless other arrangements have been made. If a group leader’s cell phone is provided, the Interpreter will attempt to contact that person if the group does not arrive on time. 


Group Tour

Registration is for group tours outside of our seasonal tour schedule.  To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.


F. W. Vanderbilt Garden Association, Inc., P.O. Box 239, Hyde Park, New York 12538
Copyright 2021 Frederick W. Vanderbilt Garden Association, Inc., all rights reserved



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